Sunday, July 31, 2011

Trip to Virginia and bringing my son home.

One thing I have learned over the years is that the one constant you can count on is change. No matter what is going on in your life,eventually there is going to be a change in your circumstances. Last weekend, Phil and I went to Virginia to bring my son David back home to stay with us for awhile.
He has been out of school for a while now and hasn’t been able to find employment. The part of Virginia that he was living in is such a depressed area, there isn’t very many opportunities for someone just starting out,
He’s going to find work here and stay with us until he can save up enough to get his own place.
So yes, changes!
The drive to Virginia is always a beautiful one. I loved growing up there.
I had to stop and get a photo of Lover’s Leap.
Lovers Leap
lovers leap 2

Lover’s Leap is one of several spectacular views along your journey through Patrick County. In the 1600's, the Indians inhabited the Blue Ridge Mountains. White settlers started arriving and began clearing land to farm. Conflict arose between the Indians and the settlers. Legend has it that the son of a settler saw the twinkle in the eyes of the Chief's daughter, Morning Flower, and was immediately love-struck. The couple began to meet secretly and their love continued to grow. The young man and Indian maiden were threatened and shunned. With the beautiful rock and wildflowers as their backdrop, they jumped into the wild blue yonder ensuring they would be together forever. As you gaze out at Lover’s Leap, you can still see the evidence of their love in the beautiful view and hear them whisper in the cool evening breezes.
There are lots of farmland along the route.
I always love to stop at the New River Gorge.
new river gorge bridge
new river gorge
new river gorge 2
One of the first things David did was get his hair cut.
david 2
So I think he’s enjoying the scenery and mama’s cooking.
Books this week

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