Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wow what a couple of weeks.

This past couple of weeks have really been something. On the 18th of November a bunch of us went to Mexico. I really wanted to get my Christmas shopping done and was excited about going because I had never been to Mexico before. The town of Progresso is a sad place though. The first thing that you see is the military with their machine guns . We were warned to not take any pictures because the solders would confiscate your cameras. The next is how poor everything looks. The stores were very clean and the sellers all helpful and friendly but still the
extreme poverty is evident everywhere. Walking through the streets, seeing the beggars with their children by their side., drives home how fortunate we are. I was glad to have went was also glad to get back home.

On Wednesday we went and protested at the Mission post office. Seems the Postmaster at Mission determined that the residents at the RV lots were not "true" residents of this subdivision but instead transits and therefore will not put our mail into our individual mailboxes. they will for the people in the home lots but not the people in the RV lots. So as a group we went and protested.

Thursday I started feeling sick, thought I'd ate something that didn't suit me. Friday I was a little better, we went to potluck on Friday night. I made a banana pudding and homemade bread. By that evening though I was feeling puny again. Saturday and Sunday I was getting worse and by Monday morning I was passing blood. So we both knew it was time to go to the doctor.

They admitted me to the hospital with Shigella. A bacterial infection that I apparently picked up in Mexico. The infection was so bad that it developed into Colitis. I was dehydrated so they put me on IV and antibiotics. I tell you in 46 years I have never been that sick in my life. Thankfully by Wednesday I was feeling well enough that the doctors let me come home by 9 PM that night.

But what a Thanksgiving! I felt so terrible for Phil, Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday and here I was sick and unable to cook. He ended up making himself some pie crust and eating it!. But we've both promised each other that after I'm well we will have our own Thanksgiving dinner.
Friday was our anniversary, didn't celebrate that either. Spent the day at the Doctor's office. he told me it will be another ten days before I can eat solid food.! I keep telling myself that it could have been worse. that I'm lucky that I'm recovering as well as I am, but anyone who knows me knows that one of the worst things you could do to me is to take away my food! Right now that isn't as bad as it could be though because I have no appetite and what food I can eat, jello and broth, really don't have any taste.

I have read so much this past two weeks being laid up.
I read Faire tale by Raymond Feist.
Show of Evil by William Diehl
Cross by James Patterson
Dead Sleep by Greg Iles
The Murder book by James Kellerman
Watched Tropic Thunder. Offensive movie but with some laugh out loud moments.
Been watching all the seasons of Scrubs...up to season 4.
I guess that's it. Planning on taking it real easy this week, mainly need to get back my strength, I'm very weak.

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